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still got bugs on mine from RAA in spearfish/and cow crap (@1olbull knows what I" talking about)all over the front of engine kind of like my work truck was it next riding in the rain

OMG, Dave!
That $hit has now set up like JB Weld!
Twas a first in 55 years of road riding for me.
We rode a mile or so over a highway completely covered with fresh cow $hit. Then we encountered the huge herd meandering down and covering both lanes. We rode another few miles zig zagging around cows, occasionally revving our throttles to motivate them to move.
A very interesting experience, but covered in cow $hit we were!
Go to 5:30. The guy is doing OK and suddenly the fog line swallows him. On the set of turns before he kinda goes over the double line and never recovers. I think he was ridding faster than he knew how to or just became tyred and lost focus.

Odd. Very odd? Distraction? Medical situation? Looking ahead and just ran wide ? Odd ....