What model number are your JW Speaker Adaptives? Their website doesn't list the rocket as a choice but does list all the other model triumphs?

That can be fairly easily arranged.
One place I use (mostly for torch testing) is the soccer field of a nearby elementary school.
The ambient light is under .1 lux and affords accurate measurements.
Probably would take the two us a couple hours, one to lay out the course and another to take incident readings.
If interested, let me know and we shall set it up for one dark-ass night. Sooner is better as the days are getting longer . . .
What model number are your JW Speaker Adaptives? Their website doesn't list the rocket as a choice but does list all the other model triumphs?

JW Speader 8690
LED Motorcycle Headlights - Model 8690

Part Number List
Part Number Description
Spec Sheet

0551681 12V DOT/ECE LED High & Low Beam Headlight with Black Inner Bezel

0551731 12V DOT/ECE LED High & Low Beam Headlight with Chrome Inner Bezel


Related Resources

This is the link to the 7: 8691 Adaptive 2:
7" Motorcycle Headlights – Model 8791 Adaptive 2 Pedestal Headlight

Part Number List
Part Number Description
Spec Sheet

0555071 12V DOT/ECE LED High and Low Beam Adaptive Pedestal Headlight with Black Inner Bezel

0555081 12V DOT/ECE LED High and Low Beam Adaptive Pedestal Headlight with Chrome Inner Bezel

Related Resources
Thanks 1olbull, I think I'll give them a try!

WOAH! Wait, holly $hit! Are you kidding me, $477 dollars for one? I might have to hold off on that upgrade. They must be made with cryptimonium!
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Thanks 1olbull, I think I'll give them a try!
WOAH! Wait, holly $hit! Are you kidding me, $477 dollars for one? I might have to hold off on that upgrade. They must be made with cryptimonium!

Darn, but they have come way down in price!
I paid $1400 for the pair through Revzilla (highly recommend) back in May of 2016!
I see now they are $956 for a pair at Revzilla.
Amazon wants $1246 for a pair. HUGE difference!
WOW! I spent $444 more for nearly a two year jump ahead of the curve . . .
Was it worth it . . . . . . . . . . . ???

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If you ride a lot at night - using the dip beam - Then this solution is simply more important than a flash exhaust or wowza suspension.

Steve - what error does BOX give you? - It's almost certainly going to be that you will have to download first to the device then open.

What opens the file? I can open box but can't open the .m4v file.