Accessories for the new R3 ?

Some kind of sound is better than this thing on this new bike. I as running down the road at about 80 mph and just tried it out again. I could barely hear anything.
I need to do something because this stock horn is total rubbish.
Ok so it does not seem that I'm the only one deaf
I'll check also on my side; hopefully I'll get my R with a new and real horn to be heard !

Since I ride on small and curvy roads and lead most of my rides, I have the experience that thanks to the loud horn of my ex-Indian RM, cars not visible yet coming from forward in a curve, moved completely to the roadside when they heard my Roadmaster horn before seeing me. I'm pretty sure the guy thought a car was coming. And given his speed and the narrow curve, I don't want to think what could have occurred without such a horn...

So any idea of a horn loud enough and aesthetically discreet is welcome

The Denali brand seems to be successful on the web anyway. And it looks like there are 2 versions :

Large one with a compressor :

Indian Scout - Louder Horn Installation!

Smaller version :

Denali Soundbomb Mini
A Better Horn for Your Motorcycle? Denali Soundbomb Mini

Test from a standard one to different louder models including the Denali small version (in French but not for the sound )
3 klaxons moto pour gagner en sécurité

(the warning on the last model tested is that the connectors are installed upside down)
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even this horn (140 db) for bicycles seems louder than the R3 standard one :

Nothing new. The stock horn on the older rockets was crap too. There are a million posts about switching to a sound bomb or the stebel nautilus. A lot of guys (myself included) separated the compressor from the horn and mounted the horn in the stock location and the compressor behind the right side panel. Not sure where you'd put it on the new R3s.
ok thanks this shows that these both brands are good references; now the question indeed is which model would be compatible to the new R3 ?