Absolutely nothing wrong

" Shocking revelations about Rocket reliability " would definitely get more views
You just made me read post #1 for the first time, and I thought this was just a slow version of the "Thread Killer"!

Besides there is a theme going:

and then came Jim's attempt to lure some dance partners.
I forget to mention the rear wheel bearing, I had to repair this.

I had a new tire mounted and the shop said something is wrong we can't balance the wheel, I took it home and pulled the
hub off covering the cush drive and found a very wallowed out wheel bearing. Measuring it showed I needed .035 shim stock
so I cut a piece to wrap exactly the size of the wheel bearing and using a socket smaller then the wheel bearing re-installed the bearing.
I know I got very lucky, after I installed the bearing there's no runout and the bike is as smooth as glass. The bearing went back in super tight
and I have to wonder if it was factory installed undersize for this to happen. Since I've owned the bike right hand turns have always been solid
but left hand turns had some wobble, I just thought that's how these bikes handle, now it's solid all the time. Vastly improved handling.

Similar issue happened with mine. The play wasn't near as bad though. I used Loctite 638 on the outer race of the bearing. It's made to take up any freeplay between a bearing/sleeve/shaft/bushing etc. Installed and let the loctite set for a couple of days. Couple of thousand kilos since with no issues. I had a persistent noise from the rear end on corners that was gradually getting louder with time. Now no noise and smooth as silk.

There is another option which I have done in the automotive world. You could get a machine shop to bore out the bearing bore then press fit a sleeve in it's place. Install the bearing in the sleeve. Saves the cost of replacing the rim.
My shim sleeve fix seems to have solved the problem, if I had known of that loctite I would have used it with my shim stock. As hard as it was to drive the bearing back in I can't imagine it ever going out again.