Absolutely nothing wrong

Progressive 444 shocks back and Progressive fork kit in the front thanks to the former owner. He rode a little and spent a lot.

Brake flush is on the list.
Yep, I understand you were impressed but I had me X-ray glasses on.

Considering where you live and where I live that's absolutely amazing!!!
Best buck I ever spent!
True honest advertising too!
"Money Bank Guarantee" indeed for the sellers account, certainly not "Money Back" - why?
These are just so darn good it was never requested.
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Having close friends and a few family over the Thanksgiving holiday and what do they want to see? The motorcycle with the car engine haha. Of course they all want to hear it run so a push of the starter button and bam, fires right up. Idles smoothly at a fast idle then settles into a nice smooth even normal idle.
Beautiful day yesterday, rode from my home in Payson AZ to Jakes Corner AZ and bought Italian beef sandwich's and a bowl of cabbage and noodles. We then rode to Roosevelt Dam and found a picnic table in the shade and had a very nice lunch. Easy cruising on the Rocket and my wife on her Spyder. The Rocket still starts every time since I cut two coils off of the starter solenoid return spring (no more click click after many starts). Didn't see another Rocket all day but did see a lot of riders on various bikes including dozens of Can Am Spyder's. We have a lot of fun riding together. Lunch was at the backside of the dam.

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Progressive 444 shocks back and Progressive fork kit in the front thanks to the former owner. He rode a little and spent a lot.

Brake flush is on the list.
In them mountains i recommend 5.1 brake fluid, compatible with 4 and a higher boiling point, i had to as my brakes would get spongy from boiled fluid. 5.1 fixed my issues when really punishing the brakes, now they dont give