

rider of the big black grumble bug
Sep 27, 2013
2010 R3R
have decided the r3r is coming to my home & a very good home it is - in the ranges, dirt roads, dirt drive over 1km long... wait! did I say dirt?

query- can I somehow turn off, retard or even remove the abs on an 010 r3r? anybody?

reason being we have a car with abs & traction control stuff built into it & it's tragic to watch the car try to fight with my desire to go down winding dirt ranges & not over the side as it seems to wish to do ... so back to bike ...my mind shudders & my freckle's beginning to develop pucker factor at the thought of 300 odd kg of bike wanting to emulate the car in suicidal tendency..
I'm sure you could disconnect it easy enough. But why would you want to? Locking up on an R3 on a loose surface would not be my idea of fun.
On my THird

On my TBird it takes a lot of pressure to activate the ABS, much more than you would apply in normal driving short of a suicide stop.

I know that technically on a gravel or dirt surface hydraulic brakes alone will outperform those with ABS regarding stopping distances. This is due to the furrowing of roadway material across the face of the tires. There is a ABS fuse under the seat of the R3R. If you pull that you shall have only standard brakes. Disconnecting the ABS fuse has been done by police for years when investigating collisions in order to emulate road friction values for cars not equipped with ABS.

Personally, I believe your .62 mile dirt driveway likely shall not constitute a majority of your R3r riding and you would be best served leaving the ABS in tact.
If the dirt riding in your "bag" then me thinks you have chosen the incorrect motorcycle. Overall, motorcycle ABS greatly improves collision avoidance safe stopping distances for most all riders.
Best Regards,
On my THird

On my TBird it takes a lot of pressure to activate the ABS, much more than you would apply in normal driving short of a suicide stop.

This is true on pavement. Non emergency stops do not activate the ABS; however, on loose gravel, dirt or water it would require less pressure to activate the ABS.
I frequently use these types of surfaces to "test" my ABS and practice my "feel" in using it.
Best Regards,
I came home from a ride last week and decided to test my ABS on our gravel road and my slag driveway. The rear brake alone worked just as I would expect ABS to function. As soon as I heard the initial sound of dragging gravel, the brake would "pulse" me into a controlled stop. After making sure everything was straight and the stars/planets aligned, I tried the same trick with the front. I only tried it a couple times for my own curiosity but each time I let off the brake manually because it didn't seem to come on as quick as the rear (maybe by design) but I was coming down my drive (literally on a hill) and didn't push it hard enough to activate the front ABS.

Heh heh heh I know that shrinking testicle feeling all too well myself. Locking up that front tire is knarly to be sure. Best tried under 20 mph and be sure to release before stop is imminent.

Just a side note - I found my ABS coming on to soon at higher speed stops and found air in the rear line. A good bleed and all was well again. Perhaps something to watch for.
okies, read & pondering the responses - thank you muchly for them, what I'll do is try it if it performs like our car does in as much as trying to kill us on the loose surface & I do mean loose - anything between 30 - 75mm deep dusty sh1tty gravel I'll kill it off, if it behaves it can stay, simple really , again, thank you all & here's hoping to meet a few along the way
I tried it again tonight. On my slag drive ( = marbles on concrete), for the sake of the thread, i did pulse the front wheel. It wasn't as bad as I though it might be. I took another run at it and nailed them both. I must say that I was VERY impressed. It was absolutely controlled to a dead stop. The moment it stopped the radiator fan kicked on like it was telling me to "cut out the stupid stuff" I'm with 1olbull, it just feels WRONG to even try this!

True true. I've never tried it on gravel or wet.