About to do 600 mile oil/filter change and final drive gear oil

Is anyone able to remove service light wrench other than with device you have to buy stated in this post?
I just used this device to reset my service light. Works great with the TuneECU app.
I bought the same obdII from the link you gave, from England, and get the message no connection.
When you tap "select", there are 2 triumph choices. Which one did you pick? I tried both, no go. Green lights flash on phone tuneecu app at first for awhile, then red. Any points I could be missing? Thanks in advance, and if advise helps, more to follow.
yes mine worked. You have to download TuneECU and use the app. 2020 R3 wasn't an option so I think i chose the speed triple. Its kind of weird the way it works. There is a video on youtube that shows the steps and what it looks like.
Thank you. I looked at video again, and what I did different is turned bike on sooner than guy in video. He paired device with phone first, then once paired turned bike power on. Hope that was it. Will try next weekend. Thanks again! Ride safe.
Thank you. I looked at video again, and what I did different is turned bike on sooner than guy in video. He paired device with phone first, then once paired turned bike power on. Hope that was it. Will try next weekend. Thanks again! Ride safe.
I"m sure that was the problem. Good luck.
I"m sure that was the problem. Good luck.
What else can you get out of the ECU? Sensor data? Did you start the engine and get rpm, tp, map, etc? Were you a little worried that you might brick the ECU?
What else can you get out of the ECU? Sensor data? Did you start the engine and get rpm, tp, map, etc? Were you a little worried that you might brick the ECU?
No I didn't do anything but reset the wrench light. No interest in messing with anything else.
No I didn't do anything but reset the wrench light. No interest in messing with anything else.
Interesting, because resetting the service light involves talking to the ECU. Tuneecu shows the Rocket TFC on the “bikes list” but you can’t read or write maps - yet. But you can connect and I would guess read codes and sensors. This was the situation with the liquid cooled twins in 2017 when I got my T120. Within 2 years, they put out the OEM maps.