About time, I decided...

Welcome onto the forum, I know all about the fusion, hope it’s all good for you now, mine was a great success. Enjoy the ride.
Welcome from Spain. Always knew that Ride On Lawnmowers were dangerous. At least I assume that's what you meant by "riding a Lawn Mower"
Man, what a GREAT crowd!
Thanks for all the well wishes, and I think I am going to really like it here. So many forums somehow dive into places they shouldn't go. My Indian Motorcycle forum I belong to has that problem now and then - and strong moderators to boot. Politics seem to be the biggest bugaboo.
How that fits in with riding is beyond me, but they persist.

Anyway, really looking forward to just looking around at all the topics, subjects, how you folks spend your monies on your rides! That is always the fun part, seeing how people mod their babies. Some of the ideas are absolutely genius.
Thanks again for well wishes!!!
Hello Tennessee, happy birthday and welcome from Virginia. As my XO on Ike would say each night on ships TV, "69, it's not just a number, but a way of life..." Welcome aboard shipmate.