Thanks so much. We Americans don't use it much but "captain" is used a lot in the English-speaking world (or English-mangling in the case of the US and Aus, according to some) and I am familiar, no sweat. With regard to my service, I came from a military family (4th gen that I know of) and it seems as natural as can be. No thanks needed. I thank you all for the opportunity to ply my craft without the worry of overhead, meeting payrolls, hiring, firing and the myriad things the poor beat upon souls in the private sector have to put up with. My hat is tipped in their direction.
This brings me to DRMD. My father retired and moved the family to, of all places, Duncanville TX. He did 20 more at AAFES Hq out on Loop 12. Lived there on Greenwood Place, about 100yds from Smith Elem off BSG, while pursuing a chem degree at UT Arlington. That was in the mid-late 70s. Where are you?
Funny you should have the same ergo probs with the Valk. You are likely no spring chicken, I'd wager. Great bike though. Didn't think I'd see those tq and hp nos in a cruiser again. Boy was I wrong. Less than a thousand Rocket miles to date and I'm so wrong.
Paul, thanks for the tip. NC? Just up the road a piece and looks do-able at this juncture.
R3Tex, I see we joined about the same time. Maybe you haven't had a chance to lurk around here as much as I have. If you had, I don't think you'd be making such a bold claim about this bunch of delinquents.