A Tribute to "Peterk" R.I.P Peter Kirwood

Hard to believe that it's been 6 months already since we lost a great mate, I was only looking at some old e mails and photos the other day !
Hard to believe that it's been 6 months already since we lost a great mate, I was only looking at some old e mails and photos the other day !
6 months already.... Do you know how Deb is going?
Think about Pete all the time , still got the last text he sent me .. saying how much he valued and appreciated his mates. Think about the courage and bravery he showed... miss the bloke.
Gone but not forgotten,,,
Just having a quiet coffee this morning and then realized its been a year since the passing of Peter K
Not to many people come into our lives and leave a lasting impression............... will definitely have a bundy or two for you...

miss you mate (RIP)
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