A Simple Way To Add Ground Wire Capacity

If you fill your tires with helium won't your bike be lighter and easier to handle the parking lot? you could fill them with hydrogen but watch out for when you have a blow out.
The last word there should be 'higher' - can't seem to edit on my phone

Incidentally not meaning to be picking on you, just trying to help your understanding
If you turn your phone sideways will get the "Edit" button
If you fill your tires with helium won't your bike be lighter and easier to handle the parking lot? you could fill them with hydrogen but watch out for when you have a blow out.
You have to be careful doing that as the rubber side become lighter than the shiny side, and so the bike can flip over. We do that in OZ so that it is easier to ride the bike the right way up.
THE EXtra ground might be a problem if your engine locks up the extra power will turn your bike over on its side
If you fill your tires with helium won't your bike be lighter and easier to handle the parking lot? you could fill them with hydrogen but watch out for when you have a blow out.

Did you ever notice how far off topic the posts often wander. It's like everyone on the forum is dyslexic with no attention span at all. We go from ground issues, to helium in a tire, to the color and composition of the wire, to handling in a...Oh Look! I just saw as squirrel run across my back yard!
You know what they say about idle minds with idle hands. just interjecting a little humor (very little).

Pretty sure they be talking GROUND wires here!