A late introduction from an old fart

It's about time that we put to bed this fallacy about red ones being faster than black ones, flames make it faster & all the rest of that crap. The fact is "Blue" is faster - end of story, who's arguing with the captain.
i agree with captain jack blue is faster...... Well look at that , just noticed mines blue .
No Jack..reds faster than blue..and blacks faster than red..unless you have a combo of
Red and Black of course

You are correct about blue being faster ... only the true color is a blue so dark that it's actually BLACK!
Black, blue, red, two tone. Bah! No-one mentions to true fastest - maroon. Why? Fear and jealousy.
You are quite correct there canberraR3, but you must remember that you are upside down & the light plays tricks in a reverse atmosphere makeing "Blue" appear to be "Maroon",or is it that we see Maroon as blue, anyway it's not black.