A late introduction from an old fart

captain jack

Oct 10, 2009
UK North West Cheshire
Well at last I have hopefully learned how to upload an image into a thread (proof of pudding yet to come). Here's a couple of quick shots of the bike, I call her "Old Bluey" because she's blue & the silver reminds me that I would be an old silver top if I had any hair left.She's 18 months old now & had a few minor problems which seem to be sorted out now & never ran better. I've had several loan bikes when she's been in for repairs but I'm always glad to get her back, nothing is like riding my Blue Boy.
Iv'e been on the forum for most of that 18 months but only now have I introduced myself properly & attempted photo's, I am in UK & returned to biking after a near 30 year lay off, but after seeing the rocket for the first time I had to return & loved it since. I'm a bit restricted with time as my wife is disabled & dependant on me but I get some time thanks to others who help out at times but still got over 14 thou on the clock in the time Iv'e had her so not to bad.
Yippeee the pictures loaded then, shown without panniers, now I have the quick release brackets I only put them on when needed. Still not got this picture posting right have I, it's all disjointed but I'm sure you can all follow it.
Blue Boy is Sweet. Or as my 15 year old would say "sick" which seems to be like my calling something cool. Nice to have you with this group. Lots of fun, help here.
My R3 is black which is slightly faster than blue, but apparently not as fast as red.
That's a nice colour bike you got there , did you have it painted ? Pretty sure we didn't get that colour option in Australia. If we did i haven't seen one .