A darkside patch

I will try not to waste your precious time Hans, but you really ought to try not wasting so much oxygen!
I will try not to waste your precious time Hans, but you really ought to try not wasting so much oxygen!
Ouch that Hurt ... not!! the same could said to youbut that would be wasting more oxygen now wouldn't it

O.K. Has much has I hate to do this............two points to Phil. That was funny.
A question for you darksiders. Which is the most common car tire people are using?

I have an extension of an idea already posted here that I would like to try.
O.K. Has much has I hate to do this............two points to Phil. That was funny.
Yeah I laughed to at how pathetic he is but yes you are right He can be Funny in a Sick kind of way
A question for you darksiders. Which is the most common car tire people are using?

I have an extension of an idea already posted here that I would like to try.

I believe that the Riken Raptor is the most common.

But I love my BF Goodrich g-Force "Hellfire"