A boss hoss I would ride

It wasn’t clear from the video but I spose he must have been running DS to get all that power down
I'm pretty sure it was a mc tire. I looked. That guy has a lot of money in that machine. He probably changes tires as frequently as most people change their underwear.
like Rob said if he gets it to the ground goddbyeeeee, but like most American muscle machines as long as you are in a straight line hold on but when you come to a corner, well just ask Jeremy Clarkson.

Didn't the guy state he had 1,000 HP?
With all that HP, tis the straight line that is most difficult - even on FOUR wheels, so faggetabout with just two!
I thought a stock rocket could do 11.3 in 1/4. And that's with 1/10 of the power. Must be the weight that slows down that monstrosity. The engine alone probably weighs as much as a rocket.