48 State Route Review

Good job, David!
Anxious for you guys to start and follow you on the WWW.

A HOG?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I had a chance to meet up with David, Morris, and Cynthia yesterday in Reno on their way to the memorial in Laughlin NV.
Cynthia was getting a tire for her Spyder.
They look good, and are in good spirits. We had a nice lunch and went our separate ways, I am in awe of what they are doing! If any of you get a chance to meet them on the way do it. I'm sure they would appreciate the support
So day 9 will be this Sunday and your first stop is in Paris, TX?
Met up with Dave Morris and Cindy in Ohio and rode with them to the memorial in Coldwater MI, and then on to South Bend Indiana. They were on the last day of their voyage and were heading to their final stop in Chicago when we left them. It was good to see them all again, they were tired, but in good spirits and still speaking to one another ! Very impressed with their tenacity ! I would like to advise anyone spending the night in South Bend to NOT stay at the Quality Inn by the Notre Dame campus. Not a total $hit hole, but not what I expected for $80.00. Had to get our room changed right off the bat cause the carpet smelled like dirty feet
I've been following them on FaceBook and I think the photo Dawid posted of before and after is the best. Hopefully that will show up here shortly.