I went with an electric switch over unit. I don't use it that much but when i do it's a God send. It's built in next to my indoor curcuit breaker unit. I use my Honda generator, the one i use on the job. JMO ..but Honda makes the best generators in my book,they're quiet and fire up every time. I was going to put in the outdoor unit till i got the price tag on it.. I also put in a wood stove,new laws in my area make you put in a chimney liner,that and the stove will give you sticker shock too but it is better than freezing your a$$ off.
We lose power on rare occasion during the winter, but if we get a hurricane we could be out of power of weeks, and being close to a major city us country folk aren't high on the priority list. We are having a 27KW unit put in as soon as I can find the funds which means I'll only be out of power for as long as it takes the automatic switch gear to kick the generator on and it will run everything in the house A/C units, well, septic, hot tub, etc
Yup - it's why I moved. Wears off real fast when you hit that ice in a bloody great Jag Sovereign at German Autobahn speeds and the only way to stop is look for upward facing off ramp - drop into Neutral, slam the hand brake on - AND WAIT. Those 10 seconds are very very long.