Mate, it absolutely would not be worth the expense of re-engineering the drive shaft and swing arm. If it was feasible it would already have been done. You could of course experiment with a completely different set up - chain (how big would it have to be???) or belt (are they up to it??). Can't see the point in any of it.
As for fitting a wider bike tyre on the stock rim, I can say with confidence that no one has tried it. There isn't one.
Agree with you CanberraR3 that it just would not be worth the expense and some guys are of the opinion that a wider tyre wouldn't look so good to the extent, Tomcat says he'ed prefer a smaller rear tyre. I'm rather surprised at everyones comments.
WOW! no other available bike tyre in between a 240 and a 360, that's amazing?
Someone already mounted a 300 to 340 size tire on a rocket already so yes it can be done. The bike had a whole brand new custom CNC aluminum/carbonfiber swingarm. Don't quote me on it but I believe the shop that did it would make the swingarm for someone else if they wanted for somewhere between 10K and 15K.
You could get a 400wide trator tire on the back if you wanted, it always comes down to money.
I'd go for a narrower rear tire too, but running a car tire now and very happy with it. Always wondered if an R3T rim would fit an R3std, anyone know? It would handle better and the tires are about half the price of the 240 (but not the car tire).
I regularly ride with a mate whose got an R3T and on the windies its a challenge to keep up.
I have no sound on the computer I am on, but he might say how much it costs. I don't know what size tire it fits either but he likely says in the video.
I'd go for a narrower rear tire too, but running a car tire now and very happy with it. Always wondered if an R3T rim would fit an R3std, anyone know? It would handle better and the tires are about half the price of the 240 (but not the car tire).
I regularly ride with a mate whose got an R3T and on the windies its a challenge to keep up.
I would never consider a tyre that would slow me. I went out 3 weeks back with about 30 riders and again 2 weeks ago with 20 riders through serious windy roads. I overtook the leader of the 30 group and stuck with the top 2 riders on the 20 group. Every rider was amazed especially considering I was the only one not riding a sports bike. Through the bends they were slightly quicker and I was continually scraping but, as soon as we exited the bends I blew them away, they couldn't get away from me. It takes a lot for an old 58 year young'en like me riding a cruiser to gain status and reputation; something I'm not willing to forfeit.
I would never consider a tyre that would slow me. I went out 3 weeks back with about 30 riders and again 2 weeks ago with 20 riders through serious windy roads. I overtook the leader of the 30 group and stuck with the top 2 riders on the 20 group. Every rider was amazed especially considering I was the only one not riding a sports bike. Through the bends they were slightly quicker and I was continually scraping but, as soon as we exited the bends I blew them away, they couldn't get away from me. It takes a lot for an old 58 year young'en like me riding a cruiser to gain status and reputation; something I'm not willing to forfeit.
Sorry wasn't suggesting going for a car tyre here, their definitely not for everyone and don't want to start a DS conversation here. (I have 15km, or 20km of windy roads to get to the highway from home BigKel knows the roads out our way, and could vouch they're pretty rough. I have rear shocks 1" longer than std and still regularly grind foot-pegs and highway pegs). found one of the better changes to tyres I made was a narrower section front tyre though.
All I'm saying is I would have a narrower tire if I could get one, like the R3T simply for the handling improvement.