360 RIM & TIRE

Look at the clearance on the swing arm with a 240. How much do you want to spend?

Well CanberraR3,

I'm thinking I may be able to buy the wheel and tire and perhaps do the steelwork mods myself in my garage. However upon closer examination the drive shaft side would be a nightmare to pull out further from the centre line and U-joints would have to be added which may fail with the amount of HP our bikes deliver. The RHS where the disc brake is on, that's relatively easy, just by stepping the yoke out, away from the centre line of the frame.

Has anyone experimented by fitting a wider motorbike (not car) tire to the rear, perhaps not a 360 but something between a 240 and a 360 to the stock rim? I know with cars you can play around with many different width tyres on the same rim.

Any ideas?
You can do anything if you throw enough money and time at it. The question is, why? The handling would be worse, so the only advantage that I can see is the look of a big tyre on the back. Even that advantage is in the eye of the beerholder, and I am not sure that you wouldn't get similar looking result from a 245/50 tyre.

Thanks for your thoughts idk.

So it would handle worse? mmmmmmm well, I didn't know that. Good to hear you may not share my view that a wider tire may not look so good, interesting Mate. But for me a fat big rear tyre would look great. A you say the eye of the beholder, beerholder?LOL.

BTW, I had a dragrace with one of those new electric cars, a Tesla. Blew me off, embarrassing. No noise and fast as f***. I was totally astonished.
If you could do it, and it certainly wouldn't be easy or cheap, the handling would suffer significantly. I've baited a couple of big tired bikes into some curves and they bail in a hurry. There's a reason MotoGP bikes don't have wide tires.

Mate, it absolutely would not be worth the expense of re-engineering the drive shaft and swing arm. If it was feasible it would already have been done. You could of course experiment with a completely different set up - chain (how big would it have to be???) or belt (are they up to it??). Can't see the point in any of it.

As for fitting a wider bike tyre on the stock rim, I can say with confidence that no one has tried it. There isn't one.