2nd Run Quick Release Sissy Bar Roadster, Classic, Standard

Hi Mittzy, I am very interested in one of your kits.. Count me in if you are running any more... Thanks Johnny
Have you ever tried to mount these brackets in reverse where the mount arms are toward the solo seat?
If this can be done, I really would like to see a pix of it.
Just the two quick release brackets. PLEASE?
Yes I have but its a time factor ATM
Hello Tony
I keep on using your kit on a very regular basis, and works great. Thanks.
Have you by chance found a solution, so your kit could be used with a solo seat luggage rack ?
Hello Tony
I keep on using your kit on a very regular basis, and works great. Thanks.
Have you by chance found a solution, so your kit could be used with a solo seat luggage rack ?
Sorry I have given this no thought as yet but when I get some time I intend to do so
Hello Tony
I keep on using your kit on a very regular basis, and works great. Thanks.
Have you by chance found a solution, so your kit could be used with a solo seat luggage rack ?

I say,
I just acquired my 3rd Rocket 3 - this one a 2005 with only 2300 miles on it. Came with Jardine pipes and Power commander 3. I need a back rest and luggage rack now. Are you running another batch? I'd love to have a set polished.
Yes it's in the thought stage and likely a month or so away