2nd gear coming out issue

The second gear issue was the same as mine, use to slow change till I hit 3rd but eventually took it to the shop. Back then the upgrade kit was subsidized by Triumph so didn't cost much, so only labor cost then, now its a small fortune unless you can do yourself.
I'm going through a full rebuild of another 06 that I have at the moment & luckily managed to sorce an upgrade kit.
You have rounded engagement dogs on your 2nd gear output, definitely the cause of popping out of gear. I had the exact same issue. Carpenter doesn't help, ECU doesn't help, the issue will get progressively worse over time. Triumph replaced my trans early on, I was still under warranty. That trans exploded later due to circlip failure allowing 3rd and 4th to engage simultaneously.

The only permanent fix is having Robinson Engineering in NJ backcut the gears so once they engage they cannot slip anymore. Compared to the labor cost, the trans work/parts are very cheap.

Your second gear coughing/sputtering issue sound slike a TPS replacement is in order and an inspection of throttle body mounting boots for cracks/leaks.
Went all through mine, wasn't able to find any of the upgrade parts, and there were many different parts, so paid the price and purchased them anyway, never sorry I did. Got some goodies from Neville and Les. Happy ever since.
I had the same issues Claviger did, had Robinson do the transmission, no issues since. As I recall, back cut dogs, billet 4th gear, and larger, deeper circlip. And yeah, mine locked up in 2 gears at once, also
took her out yesterday, i can say now after carefully riding around in 2nd that its 100% the issue, someone let my dog out. who.. who.. who... ok i know thats a old joke but seriously i cant even ride at all in 2nd without issue now. im going to do an oil change and just rid around and skip 2nd for now.
I headed from Buffalo out to Utah with your problem, figured I'd just shift 1st to 3rd, skip 2nd. It was a great plan, until the transmission locked up on the interstate in downtown St Louis, at rush hour, under an overpass, on a blind curve. Your results may vary.
thats what im worried about too, not like i dont have other motorcycles, i was a coin toss about this but after hearing a few of you have a cir clip failure gear lockup... yea screw this... ill just bash on the ninja till i get the nighthawk back together! I have to focus on work now so its going to be a while before i can even order parts for when i go to split her open... thats what she said!
Luckily I was saved by @mexican , whom I'd only met once, he called me and talked me into bringing the Uhaul to his house instead of going home, lent me his Harley for the week, had a great trip, other than his wife's Can AM also breaking down.
Luckily I was saved by @mexican , whom I'd only met once, he called me and talked me into bringing the Uhaul to his house instead of going home, lent me his Harley for the week, had a great trip, other than his wife's Can AM also breaking down.
@Tripps, things happen for a reason, remember that you had to bring Neida back home? You were meant to be on that trip