2024 Rocket 3 v BMW R18

what battle? that’s like comparing apples to watermelons…
one has a small engine, the other large. one has great handling the other not so much…
the only commonality is they are both black. 🤪

......blimey!.......you're right. They indeed are both black, but which one is the apple and which one is the watermelon?

Just asking for a friend ;)
The R18 is an oddity. A more apt comparison with a big BMW would be the K1600B.
The R18 is an oddity. A more apt comparison with a big BMW would be the K1600B.

The K1600B is an interesting bike.
Not sure if that is any more comparable to the current Rocket 3, than the R18 though.
If you take a view that the Rocket is mainly for cruising and enjoying the scenery but not doing big distance (as in touring), then the R18 can be compared to it.
Truth is, of course, that the Rocket can't really be compared with anything similar, because there isn't anything similar.....at least, not that i'm aware of.

That said, I am aware of one person who has put fairly big miles on their R18, and they were surprised how well the bike performed on a tour. Even on hilly roads.
I really like the looks and styling of the R18 but riding it is night and day different to a Rocket.
Very agricultural in every sense (as they elude to) and it seemed very cramped for the rider to me (I'm 5'10" so average).
I love boxer engines and have had many GS's etc but there seemed no where to place my feet on this?
Plus the turn in was horrible and all in all a massive disappointment from my perspective.
The bagger k1600 is just a cruise liner on two wheels! Great in USA I'm sure but not so nimble on small Devon B roads.
While the Rocket is both fabulous at speed, handles twisties like a Speed Triple and is cool and comfortable at an amble to boot.
I'm sensing that everyone is a bit stressed and or tired this Friday.......It's just a laid back comparison between two bikes......Two black ones.
Ok....If you want me to get technical about it.....Ones like an apple and the other is like a melon.
Of course we know the Rocket isn't comparable to anything else.
It is a 'Rocket', after all.
It's just a bit of fun. Entertainment.
Not serious. :thumbsup:

I wish everyone a great weekend. :)