2023 Rocket 3 GT wont start

A long shot......Just thought it is worth asking, just for background info.
Is the battery fully charged (showing good voltage)?
Oh Man! I had a very similar problem with a 2007 Carpenter Racing modified bike. No dealer could figure it out. Everything like the crank angle sensor, throttle position sensor and every possible electrical connection was checked out....nothing! In two different dealers for a total of 5 months!!
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the baby started and ran like a full bore 208 HP rocket!.
Man...we sold that baby asap!! Sell yours!
The other day I found the Triumph symbol on the proximity's fob is a button and will disable the bike. Must have activated it while in my posket because I stood at my bike for over a half hour trying to figure out why the bike wouldn’t turn on. I was at work trying to get home, so I was a bit nervous but eventually figured it out. Not sure your issue, but this was new to me.
Ide sit down with a coffee and read the owners manual if i were you...you may learn something else....

Oh, man, I can't believe you're admitting that! The on/off switch on the FOB is pretty darn obvious @Jay! Isn't it?

I had just started dating a woman who lived over an hour away. Visiting her apartment for the first time, all went well, and getting late it was time to head home with a smile. She's in her parking deck saying goodbye. Got on the bike- nothing. Clutch in. Kickstand up. Nothing. I figured the FOB was dead. She takes me out in her car looking for a battery. After quite the search and finally a new battery, still nothing. So, she agrees to drive me all the way to my home and then back to her own. Well, this is an embarrassing way to start a relationship- I'm apologizing profusely the whole way.

I come back with my trailer the next day and cart her (the bike) home. Once there I start going over things and discover somehow, for the first time, that the Triumph logo is actually.... a button. Well, fok me! Of course, the bike starts right up. Quiet @Tal!

I dated the woman for several months, going back and forth to see her, usually taking the bike. But, she never did learn, as Paul Harvey would say... "the rest of the story."
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I'm guessing once you found her button she started right up as well....or did you have to read the manual?