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Resource Download 20228 goodbase free flow Cat delete Ramair anti decel pop plus Extra5 2018-06-02

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Found it. In a jump drive to try out. Thank you!

Whenever one loads a tune the bike's CPU gives the loaded tune the same #. One has to rename them when downloading them in a drive or PC. My bike runs rich and uses a lot of gas but it idles and runs very well. After all the troubles with the stepper and TPS I'm hesitant to mess with a good set up. Im inclined to pay Rick at the dealer load the factory TOR / RamAir set up.
Do you have TuneECU? You should save your current tune before downloading a new one. That way if your bike runs worse you can put the original tune back in to the ECU. You can pay the dealer but if you have the software it’s really easy to do it yourself. Make sure the bike is on a battery charger and your laptop is plugged in and disconnected from the internet and it should work like a charm.
Yes, I have Tune ECU and LoneTec cable and charger set up and can get the PC to handshake the bike. Might try to load that tune and see. I save the current tune, as you have suggested, in case the bike does not run well with the new tune. Thanks for the suggestion.
When u open that 20226
the map says 20355
9000 rpm carpenter 249hp
i would get the advice of someone that knows what they r doing before using this 20226 map.
When u open that 20226
the map says 20355
9000 rpm carpenter 249hp
i would get the advice of someone that knows what they r doing before using this 20226 map.
I’m not sure which one you downloaded but it most definitely was 20226 for me. RPM set normal. Secondary butterfly’s in use. O2 on. Fan was 103. Had to turn it down to 98. Definitely a factory tune.
Are you saying your bike rocks as in along with this said tune? Or with only the upgrades mentioned?!
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I just installed this map on my 06 Rocketiii w/ TOR's, cat delete, and Ramair. Have to say, decel popping is gone, strong even pull through out the rev band. I did hit the speedlimiter (by accident) a couple weeks ago on my previous tune. I did not attempt it this time out. Will know more in the next couple weeks as I put on longer miles. Definitely pleased so far!
If it gets too noisy you can install one of the OEM pipes. I did so on the right side. Pipes are almost even. Looks good and sounds better. Only draw back is the loss of fuel mileage.