2020 Indian Challenger engine details revealed

Pictures do not do this bike justice. The attention to detail and craftsmanship is over the top. Compared to the Yamaha transcontinental the Challenger wins. The bike runs smooth and shifts very easily. Pick up and go not bad either. Granted the Yamaha has more goodies but the seating position of the Indian is more comfortable. Both bikes are priced about the same. Figure it will not take long for Vance&Hines to produce a quality aftermarket exhaust. Am sure some aftermarket air intakes will be available soon. I got to ride the dark horse but it was painted white smoke i believe. The 180 bike tire is nice. Between the inverted forks and rear shock it is a very smooth ride. No were near the power of a modified Rocket but still very impressive.
Got my test ride on a Challenger today. Very nice!

For a faired, hard bagged, Vtwin cruiser; the thing pulls hard. It Seriously has some balls.
No, it wont outrun my R3 with Ramair & D&Ds; but HDs with 'hot' cams aren't going to touch this thing.

Indian knocked it out of the park.
They are nice but cost a bit. Got to thinking about it and figured would be better off rebuilding the Fatboy. A 124 S&S kit and a nice paint job is not going to cost anywhere near 27,000 dollars.The challenger will look good in my rear view mirrors after they get passed. To bad the fatboy has no gadgets to correct the bike in a turn guess i will have to figure that on my own. Do have a paper map and know how to ask for directions while lost so the need for a gadget to tell me where am at is not required. Way to many toys and not enough get up and go for me.

Yep, if rebuilding a Fatboy will meet your needs, the Challenger will be Overkill.
Yep, if rebuilding a Fatboy will meet your needs, the Challenger will be Overkill.
If the Fatboy was not setting on the front pourch paid for i would not even think about it. The Indian Challenger is a nice bike. Harley killer not.