2020 Indian Challenger engine details revealed

So how reliable are the new Indians? I love the Indian name and lineage, and it's good to see so many styling nods to the Indians of the past, but they're a polaris machine. In my experience anything Polaris here in Aus has been fairly ordinary, but I'm not familiar with the Indian engines and drivetrains.

While I love the scout looks and low styling, it seems to be pitched at the V-rod segment, while the chief and vintage look great, my question to the people who have experience with them is are the engines any good? Overhead cams? Gear driven? (because I'm too lazy to google it)
I have five of them. They are pushrod motors an high tq with moderate hp. We have had no motor issues at all.

Funny you should mention Victory.

I was just thinking the new models of Indians are starting to take on a Victory appearance.

My question would be how big can you build a V Twin without water cooling it?
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Funny you should mention Victory.

I was just thinking the new models of Indians are starting to take on a Victory appearance.

My question would be how big can you build a V Twin without water cooling it?

That's exactly what's happening, Polaris did say Victory DNA would be injected into Indian.
Nostalgia will only carry a bike so far then technology has to come into play.
I'm really liking what i see here. Victory taken to a new level with Indian written all over it. Overhead cams and water cooled. Throw in a sissy bar and rack and am good. The venture is a air cooled engine at 87 horsepower and 128 pounds of torque. This bike a water cooled engine at 122 horsepower and 128 pounds of torque. Plus check out the front forks and name on brake calipers. Guessing here but the back tire appears to be a 180 vice the 200. I think am falling in love.
If i were you i would scrap the Yamaha idea and wait for the Native American
This engine is going to be a game changer by far. If they follow through with the rest of the bike it is going to be a no-brainer