2020 Bert Munro Challenge Feb 5 to 9.

Well headed down the road in the rain and stopped at the Jimmy's pie shop for a lamb shank pie and A coffee didn't rain while having that.

Then on the road again in the rain.

Stoped at the next town I came to to dry the visor inside as I was so wet I could hardly see the road.

As I was heading out a truck was walking across the road a yelled at me look out for flooding.

And down the road about 20 minutes later I came across it first lot was about 2 inches deep and it got deeper down the road up to the axle Now that was crazy.

Two 4wd over took me and the 2nd one went slowly ahead of me which I was thankful for.

As a car coming the other way came around the corner and saw the flooding and just swung onto our side of the road I was sure they where going to have a head-on crash.

Got to Invercargill at 11am dropped off all my gear before heading to the bar to watch the Superbowl Now the national anthem is on now.

Go the winning team

Great ride report!
What is the Burt event?
I know he looked a lot like Hannibal Lecter, but the web site does not explain what esch event entails.
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Wow so it only takes two days to go around the whole joint?
Well I could have gone straight down SH1 which would have been quicker but a detour to seeds mate and think about doing more miles today but the roads are like ice rink with tar up through chip seal and next to no grip and signs everywhere slow in the wet.

The road on the other coast was closed to due a washout and over night they got another 3 inches of rain.

I'm hoping the weather is nice on next Sunday Monday as will head up that side.
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Sorry for the double but stuff up post last night.

Hi I will try to explain the event and how it works.

Its more and event where a people come to watch motor bike racing. And at the end of the day having a few beers and talk horse manure and do the same thing for the next four days.

First event on Thursday the Bluff Hill climb in the most southern town in New Zealand..

Then Thursday evening is the drag racing. Only a 20 minute walk from the camp site.

Friday is beach racing day this year it's at 5.30 in the evening as thats the tide time it was where Burt did alot of his testing.

They have about 12 races and the final race is the New Zealand championshilp 50 mile race The lap is only ½ mile up and back so it gets cut up pretty bad by the end of the day.

And it's only a 25 min walk from the camp.

On Saturday morning is track day racing and is at the same place as the drags.

Then Saturday afternoon is the speedway solos and those 1000cc side cars and best of all its only 5mins from camp site.

On Sunday is the street racing day.

Hope this helps.
Weather chaos: Hundreds still cut off by floods in Milford Sound

Place I rode into 3 years ago for a day trip.

Looks pretty bad in there now.

Been raining all night and all day so far weather is going to clear but still going to have rain showers right though the event.

If the weather doesn't improve I might not bother with the camp site and just stay at my cousins house.

Just checked the rain fall info and since yesterday to noon here we have had over 2 inches of rain. And falling at about a ¼ inch an hour.
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It even hit the night news here about the flooding down Milford way with tourists stranded etc....., they also said a meter of rain had come down.....