Some shots from the RDU ride. No petrol between Hillston and Cobar so I carried a little extra. Got caught in an afternoon storm that last from Lake Cargellico to Leeton... about 120km and it p$ssed down all the way.
Some meditative and zen-like( read: Boring as batsh%t) videos to follow on You tube. Will post a link when I get something together,.
A few more. All in all it was a very good ride and cleared the cobwebs magnificently. Good company in Nyngan and although I had to leave early due to family committments, I loook forward to seeing you on the road somewhere again.
Cheap thongs only have one plug on the end of the strap that goes between your toes through the sole that can pull through and 'blow out' on you. Double plugs are much stronger and rarely pull through.
Headed back to Nyngan with the ute and trailer today, loaded in a few minutes and hit the road back home. 1300 Kms done and a stop over at Coonabarabran for the night and a easy 700ks left