If attacked by a snake I would be a close second to Hussein Bolt over 10metres in joggers, in thongs traction loss and flip flopping away could result in a nasty incident ,plus snakes usually strike the first thing that is close to them and a juicy big toe would be a nice target,
Just got in and having a well earned coffee after some quality time with the missus. ...
First to leave last to get home by the look! 2,722km for the few days away. The Rocket went like a ... road train.
I was very pleased to meet everyone and thank you all for being so welcoming and friendly! Definitely a starter for Halliday's Point,. By that time I'll be back in Guyra and it will be a ride down the Oxley for me.
Now I'll sit back and have a look at the photos and posts here.
Picked up a pair of Rocko's double pluggers from that truck stop a few years ago when My old double pluggers had a blowout on our annual greynomad trip. Ended up in Lightning Ridge that trip I think.
Cheap thongs only have one plug on the end of the strap that goes between your toes through the sole that can pull through and 'blow out' on you. Double plugs are much stronger and rarely pull through.
Stamp on the ground and they will go away. The only OZ snake that will really have a go is the king brown, copperheads will only have a go if cornered, no OZ snakes can strike backwards, hit em with a shovel from behind - they will be trying to get away anyway - I was taught at a very young age to watch out for wobbly sticks don’t stick your hand in old sacks and move corrugated iron with astick. I did feel a bit guilty riding in thongs but it took me back to a very younger ogre when I was bullit proof
Having read through the enchanting posts on this thread I can only presume you are talking about footwear designed by the legendary Frenchman Phillipe Phelloppe. Please correct me if I am mistaken...
Having read through the enchanting posts on this thread I can only presume you are talking about footwear designed by the legendary Frenchman Phillipe Phelloppe. Please correct me if I am mistaken...
When I was a boy in the 50s thongs were not around in OZ and when they came on the scene my Dad called them Japanese riding boots or Geisha slippers,so I assumed they came from the Orient,
When I was a boy in the 50s thongs were not around in OZ and when they came on the scene my Dad called them Japanese riding boots or Geisha slippers,so I assumed they came from the Orient,