2015 buckles

but I did find time to design and order some buckles
and wanted to show them here for your approval or distain.

I'm way too old and sedate to do skulls anymore, people would just laugh at me. For people who can pull off skulls though the design is pretty solid.
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Good to see you back Skip, for the same reasons as others it's not my cup of tea(how English), but a great design for those who like death masks.good luck.

I'd like to get one, for sure!
good to have you back Skip, I was wondering what happened.. Just a question is the 2014 buckle flat or is it curved when you look at it on edge? the reason I ask is I want to attach it to my R3T at the back of my trunk box.
It looks good.
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Macrider, I'ts slightly curved, but if it's straight ya need,
a rubber hammer should do the trick without much if any damage,
not near as much as a dremil tool will to the back getting the hoop and pin off.
jest let me know, right now I'm gonna modify the list then feed birds.
If I miss somebody or get what you want wrong, just let me know
and I'll straighten it out.
Thanks, guys,

I'll take one of the old style buckles. Please provide your name/address so I can send you the money.
