The engine is not a perfectly smooth engine. Even though the bike has a balancer, once you start running 70-80 there is a little more vibration that enters into the picture. It is not a shaker like a Harley, but it would not be as smooth as maybe a BMW or some other bikes. I can't speak for certain on others bikes as either I can't recall the past or I haven't ridden them. I generally don't run more than 75 anyway unless I'm feel lucky with the police or a bit frisky.
With TuneECU you can balance the throttle bodies, but it is an almost impossible task to do with the stock intake system on. I didn't even attempt mine till after I put the Ramair system on. Then, it was quite simple to do. On my R3T I have found the NELs tuning to be very smooth and performs well. There may be another choice for a little better performance, but it seems to purrs so nicely I have not tried another. Still, I can feel vibration at higher speeds that I don't notice at say...65. I'm sure there are other factors like wind and tires as well.