I have a 2015 touring and have replaced the oil pressure sensor twice (oil light comes on randomly and over time stays on).
Radiator got a pinhole leak (not stone damage).
Just recently the transmission detent spring broke, (was able to ride home carefully by holding the shift lever up with my boot).
The left handlebar grip came loose.
Lost the LHS cover (it just flew off on a ride).
Thank you for your reply, The bike has 34K on it and everything appears to be present.
I ride in the winter and have heated gear that would be hooked up to it along with power ports for cell, GPS, etc...
My Suzuki Intrude never gave me any issues but the T3R has been on my wish list since the day they hit the showroom floor.
Just wanting some first hand opinions.
I thank you all that reply.
Hello JJJ, I have a 2014 R3T and about to roll over 57K miles; had it since new. I have had some minor electrical issues due to the fact I ride year round in all weather. My left switch assembly has been replaced once due to water intrusion. I've had a fit with lights but eventual got it sorted and haven't replaced a bulb in 20K miles or more. My biggest issue is the battery cables. Triumph did not do us any favors with tiny 8 ga cable. I doubled up my negative cable and that helped a lot. I am about to order the Toyota starter upgrade for the bike as it won't start at 33F currently. (That was the temp on Monday anyway and I was force to cage it to work). When the cables, battery and starter were new, it would start down to 12F and with a charger overnight attached and a drop light, I could start it at 0F. The bottom line for me is corrosion abatement and I'm just not that good at it.
Hope that helps
No I did not need much of a push LOL.
Yes the seat is a Long Haul seat, very comfy.
No not broken down lol just hauling it home.
Yeah I am looking forward to years of enjoyment riding her.