2014 R1200RT Report

Well, since I still have the bike, I have discovered how to get around the wrist issue; use the cruise control. At least on the highway it works great and I can wave with my right hand now that I do not need to hold the throttle. Of course in stop and go traffic I still have to hang on, but for at least half my ride home, I was in blissful comfort putting along at 80 mph indicated listening to the Hair Band channel on XM radio.... Why does that music make machines of all kind go faster?!?
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Every one of m,y friends looks at my sport bikes and says "man, that looks uncomfortable, I could never ride that", but I find them perfectly comfortable, even with my bad back, shoulder and knees, so IDK.
GOOD for you TRIPPS more power to you
That has to be the funniest thing I have read in a looooong time! Few repairs and low cost maintenance! Hilarious! On a BMW??? Really????
THE NHSTA is investigating all the BMW drive line failures as a result of all the owner complaints so wake up its a major problem with BMW
GOOD for you TRIPPS more power to you

THE NHSTA is investigating all the BMW drive line failures as a result of all the owner complaints so wake up its a major problem with BMW
AND HARLEY has been sued and its been determined over 100,000 TC88 engines are considered faulty and should be replaced NOW thats not just a few little problems thats crazy
Thanks for the informative and unbiased review boog. A buddy of mine bought 1, his other bike is a 800 tiger and he's fond of triumph triples but he likes his money and he got his 1200rt cheaper than any dealers would give him a trophy. My k1600gtl is a better 2 up bike than my 06 R3 was and the tranny is much better. knock on wood. We don't need the hate to scare the other bikes away Art you're just gonna give yourself ulcers. all bikes have problems and the longer a model has been out the more refined it is, Call it the price we pay for having to have the latest, greatest, thing. 1 more thing KAWASAKI SUCKS

Does not !
Actually never ridden one but I still rub one out on my birthdays to pics of the 900 triple.
STEVE look up all the problems wtih the BMW shaft dives over the years its not me I dont care I dont have to put up with the problems I drove the 1600 GT and sorry I dont like it but I dont like or need a fully faired touring bike But that doesnt matter look up all the shaft drive problems the BMWs have take your head out of the sand its a real problem so ignoring it wont make it go away LOL

A question about your Trophy.

I remember reading some tests of the Trophy when it was reintroduced in 2013. One that stuck in my mind was in MCN (US). They made a significant point of stating that there was a "wind tunnel" effect from the space where the forks emerge up through the fairing - and that this was so loud and obstrusive that the stereo became inaudible.

Have you noticed this same effect and, if so, is there anything that can be done to ameliorate it?

I own 1 and I bought an extended warranty and have a 2nd bike should 1 or the other go down. It just seems to me all forums have horrer stories and when I buy a bike I look at the companys way of handling warranty claims and Triumph and BMW are both good examples of co's that back their product. The way I like to ride i'm usually surprised that I get home with bike and/or license intact. Bikes are easy on the eyes most bikes anyhow and finding another rider that puts the ride before the machine is always a treat. I hang around this forum and there's another s1kr forum where like here its about the bike but also about enjoying bikes in general and it don't matter what you ride as long as you're having a good time.