2014 R1200RT Report

Yeah, young fit sportsbike riders will tell you that if you have weight on your hands, your torso is too weak and that you should use your muscles there to keep your weight off the hands.
Yeah, young fit sportsbike riders will tell you that if you have weight on your hands, your torso is too weak and that you should use your muscles there to keep your weight off the hands.
Bring on the young fit sporty boys, with their youthful vim and vigor; let's see what dirty old man tricks have in store for them...
Look again. Even here in Oklahoma most police departments have gone to the BMW 1600 sport touring bike. So has most of the larger police departments though out the states.
I've owned an R80, R100RT, R1200R, K1200RS and an R1200GS. All virtually trouble free. The GS was the best all around motorcycle I've owned. I'd buy another in a heartbeat.
Yes claviger the six cylinder sport touring engine is fairly new. Back when I was looking for a new bike the 1600 sport touring BMW was one of the bikes I was seriously looking at. After doing a little bit of research on the bike it became obvious that due to all the recalls and problems with the transmission and drive train that it was not practical. The Broken arrow police department here in Oklahoma switched to the bike mainly for the added horse power over the Harley's. I got to ride one of the police specials and yes it is very quick response and very fast. A good friend of mine is a motorcycle cop for the broken arrow police department and he loves the bike. Of course he only rides it and does not have to maintain it.
AND having tested those fully faired bikes I cant stand they way they move around in any kind of crosswind anything over 15mph and it turns into a wrestling match and you have to split the bike in half just to lube the drive line every 8000 miles and that is a royal pain in the ass and expensive and all the BMWs are problematic I never owned or rode one I liked The 1000cc sport bike is fast BUT my friend had his in the shop 9 times in one summer he had to ride his old KAW ZX10 most of the time SORRY I dont want any unreliable expensive ugly BMWs
Yeah, young fit sportsbike riders will tell you that if you have weight on your hands, your torso is too weak and that you should use your muscles there to keep your weight off the hands.
BULL**** those things are like fu---n a football I still own a couple and they are not comfy at all so why torture yourself playing ROAD RACER ?
5 posts out of 26 telling us how much you don't like BMW's. Have we started paying by the post count here Art?

Probably not the best way to encourage others to create threads like Bobby's excellent report. But, by all means, don't hesitate to tell us how you really feel.
LOL yea I get irritated with the BMW crap having owned them and seeing all the problems thats what happens when your a dealer you get to ride everything when your in the business and you see all the good and bad
Every one of m,y friends looks at my sport bikes and says "man, that looks uncomfortable, I could never ride that", but I find them perfectly comfortable, even with my bad back, shoulder and knees, so IDK.