2011 Roadster dyno results


.060 Over
Jul 8, 2011
St. Louis, MO
Hey all. By my posts you have probably noticed I have been doing some mods. Here is what I have so far:
-Removed secondary throttle plates
-Triple K&N's
-Cut Bearclaw
-Power Commander 5
-Dyno tuning
*Exhaust is still the Roadster stock.
Here are the fruits of my labor:

Max HP: 136.2 HP at 5200 RPM
Max Torque: 154.9 lb ft @2500 RPM (remains over 150 through 4400 RPM)

Keep in mind these are real numbers at the rear tire, not the factory numbers from the crank. Anyone who wanted to know what would happen if you did these mods on your 2011 Roadster, here you go.
I was right there the whole time. Torque before tuning was 147 lb ft, and horsepower was about 130 hp. I had already done the mods before arriving at the shop, so I don't know how they affected the numbers over all, but the tune alone picked me up 6 horsies and almost 8 lb ft of torque. I'd wager the air intake mods picked me up about the same. Now I just need to save up for that Carpenter Megaphone exhaust...
The actual numbers always vary from dyno to dyno, and of course no one ever spends the money for a baseline prior to laying hands on the bike with modifications.
I posted my dyno results along time ago and it sparked a big controversy since the numbers were aways up there. The nonsense as a result told me not to post them again .

I was just hoping you might have done a baseline prior to making changes, I estimate there is around an 18% driveline loss from crank to ground based on mine and some others results. Pretty ugly for a bike transmission wouldn't you say? but I suppose as heavy as the gears are in these babies it's to be expected. That's the only reason I asked if you might have dyno'd it first.

So, how does it feel? Did I ask if you had a GiPro? If you used a Power Commander a GiPro would give you all that power in 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear the same as 4th and 5th used to dyno tune it. After I added all the "stuff" and then again after having it dyno'd, the seat of the pants shocker came with the GiPro believe it or not. It was eye opening that the factory retarded the timing so much in low gears that there would be that much of a noticeable difference ... but there was. You wouldn't think it would make that big of a difference but it most certainly did.

Enjoy the new tune, peace of mind that it's getting all the fuel it needs is worth the expense. I know I was nervous as hell after changing the intake and exhaust waiting for my dyno appointment.
I have a GIPro in a box. I am going to ride it for a few days so I can really tell if there is a difference.

Just to confirm, I need to make sure that the GIPro won't erase or interfere with the tune that was programmed into the Power Commander before I install it. I don't believe it will, but I just spent $200 on the tuning and don't want to lose it. Thanks
Nope, it won't change a thing with the ECU other than just making it think it's running in 4th or 5th gear all the time.

The easy way to tell if the GiPro is doing it's job is to ride the bike before installation in 1st gear at around 5-10 mph. Then goose the throttle and make a mental note of how the bike performs. After you install it do it again ... this time it should either spin the tire or pull the front wheel off the ground really easily. Be ready for it though, hate to hear you flipped it over on yourself or something.

That would suck