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Resource Download 2011 R3R TORS RAMAIR 2018-10-02

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I have 2 questions:

1) Your VIN Number is up to 482857 or higher??

2)Why you are getting less with the "ReTune" than the original?

This is what Triumph stats:
163 Ft-lbs (221 Nm) @ 2,750 rpm
148 Hp (109 kW) @ 5,750 rpm

You get:
153.77ft/lb (208 Nm) @ 3474.1 rpm
145.45bhp @ 5592 rpm
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Hi @goncallf

The Triumph stats are measured at the crack with the engine in a test rig on a bench in optimum conditions. The stats you get from a Dyno are measured at the rear wheel. You get at least 10% loss in the drive train. If you add 10% to the figures that is getting more towards what would be an equivalent to the Triumph measurement.

I'm not sure if my VIN is higher than 482857. The VIN that separates the older Roadster with the one where the map changes is 574812, in which case my VIN is up to 574812.
I have been running this tune on my R3R for a few weeks now. My setup has triple pod filters, staintune mufflers and a free flowing crossover. I have added more fuel into the cruise range and softened the timing in that area as well - it felt a little hot on longer cruises. Will get it onto a dyno myself soon to confirm HP, Tq and AFR.

Typical Triumph measuring at the Crack
@Martin-Brighton-uk I've been running your tune for about a week now and it is a huge boost in performance for me over 20355. My mpg has dropped from around 33 to 27, but that's the price for added performance, I guess. I checked the O2 box, but plan to uncheck it and add a bung to see what difference that makes. Many thanks!
I've not tried that particular map with O2 activated, might try it for badness. I'm going to procure a bung too, it's been said the O2 sensor can be damaged if not heating up so I may remove it to keep it as a spare part. What bung are you using? Are you making it? A rubber bung will just melt.