2011 R3R Ramair & Viking Exhaust Dyno Results

When I went to load the tune provided from Paul, TuneECU stated: Incompatible Tune.
He may have sent you something other than .hex file. But it seems your doing fine with what you have. Your lucky you have a tuner available that can use TuneECU. There isn't one around me for hundreds of miles. I live in KC Mo. and I think the closest is Nashville.
RR 2010 with RamAir and Viking 3 into 1. Thank you for this informative post. Very helpful. I have loaded a tune from Paul, but it seems lean still. I would like to get this 20355 KN TORS.hex tune, but being a Newby I'm unsure where to access it. I would be grateful if I could be directed to the resource. Peter Gilbert, Blenheim New Zealand.
Thank you for the ”Like” Bolor. Are you able to direct/help me with sourcing the resource 20355 KN TORS.hex please?
Thank you Frans. Next time you're in New Zealand, I'll buy you a beer or two!
Hi Phaedrus9001. Welcome from down the road Christchurch.

Hopefully will catch up one day on the Road