2010 R3T Fuel Tank Range

I may be wrong and probably am but doesn't your fuel gage constantly recalibrate your mileage as you ride? If you drive around town and are a little hard you may get say 100 miles out of a tank. Now when you fill up doesn't the gage state what your last mileage was so it would register lower and maybe show 120 miles (based on the previous tank of hard riding). I noticed on long hauls on the freeway when I fill up my mileage on the fresh tank of gas has gone up to 165miles on the last tank of say 45 miles to the gallon. Now that 165 will drop fast if you start the hard riding again and may show 150 miles even though you have only gone 10 miles. It constantly recalibrates due to the type of riding. Am I stating the obvious or just incredibly wrong?
Maybe it does but mine always resets to 160 after a fill up, then it seems to adjust as you ride! I always reset the trip-o-meter at fill up so I can compare!
No, your right, distance to empty is based off current fuel usage. Not sure how many miles back it uses for calculating. Once while I was in the Utah canyon lands I realized my gauge said 30 miles to empty GPS said 38 to closest fuel. By the time I got to Duck Pond, which was closed it said 79 miles to go. Thankful for downhill and throttle control.
I appreciate all of your input to my question. I thought the fuel range meter was a constant repeatable value solely based on fuel level and not riding habits.
In my car the fuel range display always returns to the same value say 325 miles to empty with every fill up.
It's definitely adaptive. I recall a few years back, cruising for a.lonh distance in Canada where the speed limit was 45 mph the whole way. After a fill-up it showed 170 miles. After 10 miles at 45 mph, it climbed, rather than fell, to 185 miles
It's definitely adaptive. I recall a few years back, cruising for a.lonh distance in Canada where the speed limit was 45 mph the whole way. After a fill-up it showed 170 miles. After 10 miles at 45 mph, it climbed, rather than fell, to 185 miles
I agree it’s adaptive but not as high tech or as reliable as most cars are!
It's definitely adaptive. I recall a few years back, cruising for a.lonh distance in Canada where the speed limit was 45 mph the whole way. After a fill-up it showed 170 miles. After 10 miles at 45 mph, it climbed, rather than fell, to 185 miles
Adaptive indeed. After my pipes/tune upgrade my mileage dropped to a solid 26mpg on mixed surface street/highways. On my first tank of nothing but freeway speed I got 33+mpg and thought my gauge was off and was worried about running out... but was fortunately wrong
So it’s really hard to determine exactly what the factory designed mpg riding range of a full fuel tank is. I get the adaptive fuel usage calculations as individual riders travel under variable situations affecting fuel consumption.
When I am doing long distance high speed highway riding it will show 190. But typically in town it will show around 150 after filling. The misus Spyder will show 220 after fill-up and we are generally within 20 miles of each other when the fuel light comes on during those long rides.