I admit I have succumbed to that "competitive attitude" WAY too frequently.
I love to push myself and my motor. I know for sure it's NOT safe (as crash investigation is my profession), but the adrenaline rush is addictive.
Have been anxiously awaiting for when I mature out of it!
I try real hard to behave while riding the Rocket but at times common sense is overruled by attitude. A lot of people on bikes see the Rocket as a threat to their ego and are more than willing to prove to themselves and others around at the time that not only are they faster but better riders. This is where being a mature rider comes to play by not taking the bait. I am not there yet. At times it is hard if not impossible to remain cool and collective. After the fact and thinking about what could have happen by hitting it hard it scares the living $hit out of me. The Rocket is one powerful bike which is not very forgiven at times. Lets face facts you do not go out and buy something like the Rocket unless you might have a few screws loose. The biggest production bike on the market is not for everybody. There are a lot of nice bikes out there that corner better and are more rider friendly. Not saying that the Rocket is not a really good bike but the main attraction is the size of it. With that in mind it is real important at times to just let common sense take over vice the attitude.
This attitude is not confined to bike riders ,car drivers or even Truck Drivers, the urge to be seen as bigger more powerful and more skilled is I'm told in the Male DNA, a lot of truckies spend a fortune dressing up their Rigs to display this appearance ,on the road their is a pecking order between professional drivers that starts with what you haul and what type of truck and the size of the rig, what company you drive for or if you are an owner driver ,the number of drive wheels and the type of trailer right up to B Doubles and Road Trains ,once again maturity plays a big part in how long a lot of guys stay safe and licensed, when you are grossing 50 odd tonnes you don't want to be goaded into a drag race ,the same thing applies to our Rockets you have the biggest rig on the road and nothing to prove , just enjoy the ride and bike for what it is
Grandpa's lecture concluded