TRUE Ive raced some of the new sportbikes and you really must keep your eyes on the road and get down behind the sport screen so your out of the windblast and then you can try to and get a glance of the tachometer to calculate your speed its an exciting ride for sure
Coz (a) I've had a few plebs see the 140 mph speedo and say something about that being **** for a 2.3ltr bike and (2) if you're making an acceleration/top speed video its handy. Duh!
TRUE Ive raced some of the new sportbikes and you really must keep your eyes on the road and get down behind the sport screen so your out of the windblast and then you can try to and get a glance of the tachometer to calculate your speed its an exciting ride for sure
Or GoPro on the helmet so it can see the instruments... then you can concentrate on hanging on...and work out your acceleration times later from the film and time counter.
Or GoPro on the helmet so it can see the instruments... then you can concentrate on hanging on...and work out your acceleration times later from the film and time counter.
Coz (a) I've had a few plebs see the 140 mph speedo and say something about that being **** for a 2.3ltr bike and (2) if you're making an acceleration/top speed video its handy. Duh!
Ah good old peer pressure, when I am teaching the ARC(advanced rider course) this is one of the questions are you affected by peer pressure? of course nearly every one says no but every one is one way or another as your post just showed.
Ah good old peer pressure, when I am teaching the ARC(advanced rider course) this is one of the questions are you affected by peer pressure? of course nearly every one says no but every one is one way or another as your post just showed.
I agree peer pressure and a competitive attitude has and will bring a lot of riders to grief, having spent most of my working life driving heavy vehicles I got used to a constant procession of vehicles overtaking and sometimes you would think you are in reverse ,but I have always ridden to suit myself, and have the attitude where I like to follow a line of riders than be the lure in a Congo line of wannabee boy racers .
I agree peer pressure and a competitive attitude has and will bring a lot of riders to grief, having spent most of my working life driving heavy vehicles I got used to a constant procession of vehicles overtaking and sometimes you would think you are in reverse ,but I have always ridden to suit myself, and have the attitude where I like to follow a line of riders than be the lure in a Congo line of wannabee boy racers .
I admit I have succumbed to that "competitive attitude" WAY too frequently.
I love to push myself and my motor. I know for sure it's NOT safe (as crash investigation is my profession), but the adrenaline rush is addictive.
Have been anxiously awaiting for when I mature out of it!