2007 R3 Classic on it's way!


.020 Over
Nov 1, 2014
2007 R3 Classic
Hey folks, Biebs here...new to this forum. I'm a 62 year-old long time rider. I've recently been going back and forth between sport bikes and cruisers, but finding I'm too old for the ****** rockets and too bored with HD-type underpowered cruisers. I did a search on STANDARD motorcycles, and saw a Triumph R3 listed. Back when I started riding, Triumphs handled great, but leaked oil and were generally unreliable. I did some reading and found that's all changed. Then I started reading about the R3...awesome! A local dealer just got in a 2007 Classic with 3,200 miles on it in the Ivory/black color scheme with aftermarket pipes, extra gauges, windshield and a few other tidbits. After some serious haggling, got it for $7,500. Can't wait to get it out for some throttle-twisting!
Great intro Mate. Welcome from one of the Aussies.
Hey, I'll be down your way in 2015. Going to do some Water Buff hunting!
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Hello from New Jersey R3 is drug that you just can't quit and you soon will for more. (Power)Enjoy your new addiction!!
G'day Biebs .. the older Triumphs didn't leak if you lapped the cases .. just saying... Welcome
Cape May? I'm down there most times in April and October...off season. Nice without the summer crowds