2006 Tranny?

I have a 2005 with 30000 miles on it. I have only had it since June. I have recently finished a 1400+ mile ride up the Blue ridge Parkway round trip. this is a lot of up shifting and down shifting and I have no worry's about the transmission.
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Yeh hvacnar I have no problems at all but getting it justa incasa

I agree, I am planning to tear down and check out several things on the bike this winter. Just for sit and grins.
Monitoring the out put bearing for possible failures is pretty easy. you just have to pull the sump pan and check the rear screen.
In fact I believe everyone should pull the pan and clean it at 5000 miles when new just to get the machining swarf left behind from manufacturing. Then I myself would check it once a year, like at the end of the riding season so if you have work to be done you have the off season to do it. And at any time I think i hear something from the output drive the sump is the firs t place I would look. Most people ignore it until it is totally trashed which makes for a larger clean up job when replacing it. Albetaduke had soem good ears and as soon as he suspected somthing he opened up the pan to find bearing cages laying in the bottom. He just pulle dhis without pulling the motor and will have a easy time replacing it.
Just My own thoughts not Triumphs.

Good advice. Can you see the inner output shaft bearing when you remove the pan?
Fred is right except if you have a scope you can see more. The scope I bouhgt has more then earned its money back for me. I bet I can see the rear one good enough to tell you if its a OEM one or the new style. The front I reserve my opinion for the next tiem I have one apart.
All this talk about 2nd gear has made me paranoid about opening the taps in 2nd gear on my 2011 R3T, I just roll through the gears till 3rd then give it some oats ,maybe I'm over cautious But!

You are a wise man. I was "on it" and slammed second when my second gear let go. RPMs through the roof and I immediately knew what it was. I had been kind of expecting it from talk here on the forum.