2006 Tranny?

I have an 05 model and would like to get the update kit nothing wrong as yet.But have been getting the run around here in aussie land with the dealers and triumph as in saying that we dont know anything about it,If I could buy one in america and some one could point me in the right direction would be much appreciated
All this talk about 2nd gear has made me paranoid about opening the taps in 2nd gear on my 2011 R3T, I just roll through the gears till 3rd then give it some oats ,maybe I'm over cautious But!
@Bat I rang Team Moto Slacks Creek last week and they had one in stock, was $322
Yeh oz rider I was there yesterday and he gave me the run around da dont know what your talking about so I will down again today now I have the part number and see what the dumb Faark has to say thanks
now have been back to triumph dealer and after further discussion with him have got the message through.now the part number is T1000009 silver......T1000008 black Triumph australia will only order them as a customer wants them none on shelf at least 4 weeks and money up front.Faarkers

What is in these kits ,are they upgraded gears or shims/spacers just interested to know ,thanks