2006 Tranny?

Sorry, when looking at it on the phone, there are no dates shown for the posts. Wasn't trawling though, it was in the current posts that come up. And I'm not angry, just expressing there's reasons some people don't get to ride as often as others. All good!
The news spends so little time covering the war it doesn't affect the average americans lives unless a family member is enlist
it's all good natured kidding around on this forum, iv'e been on some where theres a lot of hating going around but this place isn't one of them, my 06 had 11,000 on it last year and i got some grief til i explained i bought it that way and usually only take 9 mos to rack up those numbers. we didn't buy our bikes to impress anybody here anyhow. good you made it home with all your pieces in place.
Ok well except my apology anyway and store it on account. On account I do *** up every now and then and stick my foot in my mouth without trying or realizing I did. So I might need to withdraw it later from the account at a later date
Ok well except my apology anyway and store it on account. On account I do *** up every now and then and stick my foot in my mouth without trying or realizing I did. So I might need to withdraw it later from the account at a later date
I think I will stand in line right behind you with that very thought out loud
a bit late but the output shaft bearings is what cause problems on 06 I am the third guy having a front bearing going south after only 55 000kms see the pictures in tranny noise post!!
My 06 front bearings didn't go out but second gear and the ignition switch took a dump at 10k miles.
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Had my 05 for nine years, 18000 trouble free miles. Good luck!
21000 miles 2nd startin to grind.(been grinding and occasionally popping out of gear.
21000 miles 2nd startin to grind.(been grinding and occasionally popping out of gear.

Time to get her fixed Steve before she gets expensive. the update kit is 182 bucks plus shipping. I would skip second gear for now so you don't muss it up worse.