2006 Tranny?

reading thru this forum these bikes seem fairly flawless save the human touch
Some of us also spent every year's riding weather sitting in places called Iraq and Afghanistan! From 03-11, I spent 6.5 yrs gone, can you subtract that from the years I've owned my bike before calling me a DS owner? I ride as often as I can and I'll appreciate you judging only yourself!
You sound from this post upset a wee bit and I hope nothing I posted upset you. I commend you on your service and thank you. I know what this is like being a spouse of someone who spent her time in Bosnia. A bike sitting is not good especially if it sits long enough that a company does not want to honor a warranty even though you would have been able to utilize the service much more if you were not busy serving your country in a time of need. I am not sure of the DS being dark side or not and I am one who does not care what tire you run unfortunately whether it affects warranty service or not is not up to me and I have noticed it also depends on how the shop presents the warranty problem. Every shop is different and if what tire you have is not brought up at all then I suppose it would not affect the outcome. I have had some warranty work done that probably would have been turned down had corporate known about my hair dryer. But the tech seen no reason for the fancy air filter affecting what he was doing so it was not brought up in the request for service. Now mine is at a place where I would not even try to get anything covered which is a price one must pay when he diverts more power to the engine plant.

Now here is something I posted on another thread which really has nothing to do with the tranny but it does have something to do with the bike and people trying many things to fix it when it could be something mistaken for the paint can rattle sound or basically a rattling sound in the engine.

"On another note which this may not be your problem but it is important to all Rocket owners. You should check you throttle cables to make sure they have the proper amount of slack in them. If they do not the throttle cables could be working against the throttle stepper motor. this will make the bike stumble. also if they are not set right the throttle bodies can be out of balance. (one of our members has been having problems and of course his throttle bodies were balanced. But as soon as he set his throttle cables right his throttle bodies were out of balance again. It is important that these cables and bodies are set right for it affect the amount of fuel the location on the map the bikes ability to adapt correctly, plus the ignition timing firing properly. all this could make for some slight pinging/detonation and or rattling of the engine. It may not be your issue but it is something that should be checked as it could be some of the noise you are hearing. We should all realize these bikes com in crates without the handle bars and controls attached and no front wheel either. here is where human error can creep in as it could be many people are setting the bike up a wee bit different although unintentionally. Some places have the bikes assembled at a different warehouse and then trucked to them who knows if the guys setting them up are even Triumph techs as they could be setting up many makes and models of bikes Heck they might not even be trained mechanics to save money. I also know there are some dealers that do set up their own bikes so this is not a kick to any dealer but most handle different lines or have had different lines before taking on the Triumph logo and bikes.
Again human error is a large cause of issues!!!!!!!
After all we are all human"
Definitely not upset with you! It was a comment that another made that called those of us with low mileage dumb **** (DS) owners for buying a bike and not riding it enough!
I was merely pointing out that he needn't judge others because he has No Clue of what prevents each person from being lucky enough to ride as much as he!
As always I appreciate and value the tremendous expertise you provide us all here.
Um, those comments were made in 2011. While you are free to be sensitive about them it would perhaps be worth trawling through other threads of a similar age to gauge the forum dynamics at the time. A single 3 yo post can easily be taken out of context. Just sayin'.