I have a 2006 Rocket 3 Classic. The clutch works fine on cold start, then when it gets warm - in a minute or two - will progressively fail. Stalls, I have to put it in neutral to re-start it, and it grinds if you try to downshift into first. Let it sit and cool and you will get another minute or two of working clutch. Help!
I have a 2006 Rocket 3 Classic. The clutch works fine on cold start, then when it gets warm - in a minute or two - will progressively fail. Stalls, I have to put it in neutral to re-start it, and it grinds if you try to downshift into first. Let it sit and cool and you will get another minute or two of working clutch. Help!
Need more information
Is the motor revving up?
Is the clutch draging the motor down when stopping?
Pictures of the lever adjuster and the arm position might help.
Tried to move the reservoir out of the way to give a clear shot. The motor is not revving, because the gear is engaging even with the clutch handle pulled in the bike is stuttering and stalling.
Tried to move the reservoir out of the way to give a clear shot. The motor is not revving, because the gear is engaging even with the clutch handle pulled in the bike is stuttering and stalling.
I understand the pressure plate and free moving discs, what I am not getting is how the flywheel still engaging when the handle is pulled will be alleviated by more free play in the lever. That seems counterintuitive.