2005 Rocket III - intermittent fault


.020 Over
Jul 25, 2022
2005 Triumph Rocket 3
Morning all. I'm having an intermittent fault, and wondered what you guys' thoughts were.

whenever I go to the garage, it starts first time no probem... idles at around 900rpm, ticks over perfectly. rides well no issues. but every now and then.... and getting more regularly now... when i stop for a while (anywhere between 5 mins and 4 hours it seems) I can go to start it and it wont start properly.... if i give it a little throttle it will start, but idles at about 500rpm, very lumpy, and will either cut out within a few secs, or it seems to compensate and slowly rise to the 900rpm and idle okay. If i ride away like this, it will run okay until i pull up at a junction where it'll cut out.

In my head, it seems like at times its only firing on 2 cylinders, and then the third will kick in? I've recently replaced the TPS, as i'd heard that these can cause problems. seemed to be fine for a couple of weeks, but same issues happening again. Spark Plugs maybe? (incidentally, what tool do you use to get at spark plugs, they seem to be seated really deep into the head?)

Any advice would be appreciated!
Oh... 2005 RIII, with approx. 55k on the clock.
Apart from this issue, she runs perfectly!
The old 05's will run forever, with a little TLC now and then. I have 2 of them. Sounds like you are new to the Rocket, so lot's for you to read up on. This site is the place to be. No question usually goes without an answer. Vacuum lines get hard and brittle, and crack, throttle linkage gets dirty and hangs up, and unfortunately there are lot's of sensors and wire connections. Usually the first thing to go on the old bikes, is the ignition switch wiring. You'll come across all this stuff, if you search a little. Good luck, and welcome to the "permanent smile" group!
The primary TPS is usually the culprit, but if you changed it and set the resistance it should be ruled out. Spray the throttle linkages with lubricant, check the vacuum hoses and check the low tension connectors on the coils. Good luck.
I'll try that next... clean and lube the linkages and check the hoses. Cheers.
Cheers Cooter! I've had her for about 18 months now, and its a pleasure to ride! I'd hoped the TPS replacement would have fixed this issue but sadly not. I'll check & lube the linkages as mentioned, and check the vacuum lines too. I've fitted the Ram Air which makes access to the gubbins under the tank a bit easier, which is good. those Spark plugs are sat in nice and deep though, and i dont have a tool that'll reach down far enough to get them out atm, but i want to check them too.
All good advice. Check the torque on that TPS and also search out info on shimming it (piece of beer can).
Others have already mentioned these.... cracked hoses or cracked caps on the throttle bodies (if you have an aftermarket air intake).
Loose coil wires (the little ones).
All easy fixes- good luck and let us know....
There is another possibility to consider, your injectors may need some cleaning. You can try some Sea Foam in the tank to clear fuel passages. Also the tool kit that came with the Rocket had a spark plug wrench in it. It's a bit cheesey but it will reach the plugs if you have the kit.
Cheers Atomsplitter..... I dont know why it didn't cross my mind to check the R3 toolkit! lol. I'll try a little Redex in the tank too, to clean the injectors. it can only help, right? thanks for the advice.

Cheers Journeyman.... i'll check the Torque & the Coil wires too. I'm planning to have a proper look over on Monday, so i'll report back with my findings