Morning all. I'm looking at dropping the height of my rocket about 1-1.5". I bought a Maverick low profile seat, which offers perfect seat height, but hurts like hell after being in the saddle for an hour or so, so no good for me. The alternative is putting the standard seat back on (which for me, is perfectly comfortable for my fat backside!) and dropping the suspension. I have come into poseesion of a spare set of rear shocks, so a cheap option for me to try would be to either A) cut down the springs, or B) buy a set of shorter springs and swap them out. If this works out well, then i'll invest in a decent set of shorter Shocks down the line, but for now this should give me a good idea.

To that end, does anyone have the dimensions of the stock springs, so i can see about ordering shorter ones?

Many thanks!
