Replacement is required. Mine were nice and clean and no scoring. Man that sucks. I have something that will help you with the replacement. A machinist at work made these for me Made out of fiber material but will hold new sleeves down with no scoring. They are yours for the asking.
Nothing but RESPECT for all of you outhere that can take apart a motor and put it back together, i just know that if the bike dont run you take it to the repair shop
All of mine checked out fine within tolerances. How many miles on bike? Asking because I have 69,000 miles and found it odd that everything is within tolerance. All of mine are marked on the side red.
Replacement is required. Mine were nice and clean and no scoring. Man that sucks. I have something that will help you with the replacement. A machinist at work made these for me Made out of fiber material but will hold new sleeves down with no scoring. They are yours for the asking.