20,000 mile service cost

Weird, same here, always wondered why the left mirror vibrated, while the right is still??????
I think the rocket scientist is on to something. Master cylinder must make the right side more rigid.
Guys, I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row for the purchase of a 2014 R3 Roadster. It has 16,000 miles, so it will be coming up on the 20,000 mile service soon.

What can I expect to pay for this since it includes valve adjustments?

Thank you!
My mechanic tells everyone who will listen to wait for the valve adjustment when there is actually symptoms (clatter, hard starting, etc) that adjustment is needed. For those that insist on adjustment he chartes $300 and he says very seldom does he even need to do a small adjustmen.
A good friend of mine is a Triumph technician , in Blighty a full dealer service with shim adjustment is minimum £800 . Of all the Rockets he has done , if the bike has been looked after , rarely are adjustments needed at 20000 miles . If ever they do need tickling , it has only ever been 1 or 2 at the very max .
Checking them is a fairly painless job which you can do yourself with a manual and a bit of patience . If any are out of tolerance , then is the time to contemplate weather to do them yourself or take to the dealer . Better that way than to be charged £80 an hour to to find they are well within tolerance as I suspect they will be ! As mentioned above , bucket and shim tolerances close up as opposed to opening which if left unchecked will cause headaches in the long run .
Go on , bond with the beast. You will be glad you did !
If you feel hesitant about checking the valves yourself, as am I, as others have suggested do what you can yourself. I think I had one oil change done in over 30K miles on my Classic. That alone will save you some coin. On my 07 Classic the valves were checked at the 10K and not at the 20K and it is interesting to see that has changed.
Guys, I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row for the purchase of a 2014 R3 Roadster. It has 16,000 miles, so it will be coming up on the 20,000 mile service soon.

What can I expect to pay for this since it includes valve adjustments?

Thank you!
I just paid just over $900
Guys, I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row for the purchase of a 2014 R3 Roadster. It has 16,000 miles, so it will be coming up on the 20,000 mile service soon.

What can I expect to pay for this since it includes valve adjustments?

Thank you!

$680 at Motorcycles of Dulles in Virginia